Getting started with Node.js

This is the second post in a small series on Node.js. In this post, I will take a look at how to get started and run the ubiquitous “Hello world” sample.

First, create a directory somewhere and Git clone Node… I did it like this:

Then, build and install Node like this:

If you get permission errors during the last step, you might need to do a

to grant yourself ownership of everything beneath /usr/local. Note however, that this should probably only be done if the machine is your own personal machine.

Now, try typing node -v in the terminal… I got this:

Now, let’s finish this post by creating a Node app like so (using TextMate or whatever you prefer):

Punch in the following few lines:

and go the terminal again and type

which yields

Now, when I navigate to http://localhost:8124 I get this:

Node.js HTTP Hello World

Nifty, huh?

In the next post, I will see if I can get up and running with Express – a simple but powerful Sinatra-like web framework for Node.

I want to learn Node.js


More than three years ago, I watched a couple of videos with Douglas Crockford that changed my view on JavaScript completely!

I must admit that I too used to consider JavaScript a toy language, somehow inferior to “real programming languages” like Java and C#.

This view was of course induced by the sheer amount of JavaScript crap code available to copy/paste from the web, almost always operating on an equally crappy non-standards compliant DOM implementation in some crappy browser – but after watching those videos I actually began to understand that JavaScript was a pretty cool and powerful language.

Some time after, Crockford released JavaScript: The Good Parts which I immediately read, and at that time I remember saying to one of my colleagues: “I think it would be cool to build large systems in JavaScript”.

At that time, stuff like Rhino was around, but I had never heard of anyone actually using it, and executing JavaScript on the JVM by compiling JavaScript into Java into bytecode didn’t sound sexy at all to me.


Recently, however, I have somehow come across Node.js at different occasions, and I have really been meaning to check it out. If you don’t know what Node is about, I can quote the homepage: Node is “Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript.”

That’s right! Let’s break that down:

  • Evented: There’s only one thread executing in a Node process, high throughput is achieved by doing asyncronous I/O, queueing callbacks to be executed upon completion.
  • I/O: Not usually what JavaScript is used for, but this covers the fact that Node has APIs that treat the file system and TCP and HTTP as first class citizens.
  • V8: The JavaScript is executed by the V8 JavaScript Engine that Google in Aarhus built for Chrome.

As an example, there’s the ubiquitous code sample that you’ll see everywhere – opening a HTTP server in Node:

As you can see, Node has a nice and thin API for working with HTTP, and as I envy Rubyists of having Rack and Sinatra, and as I am interested in how web frameworks work in general, this code sample has continued to spark my interest.

Therefore, in order to push myself through learning more about it, I have decided to see if I can write a couple of blog posts on Node.js. I will try to cover the necessary topics to develop a simple web app, and I expect to come across more or less of the following:

  • Acquiring Node.js and running a “Hello world” script. Can’t do anything without having done this.
  • Basic Node stuff, like how to structure code into files/modules/whatever and whatnot.
  • Bringing in external, possibly native libraries.
  • Building a web app, possibly with Express – a simple web framework for Node.
  • Persisting some data, probably using node-mongodb – a MongoDB driver for Node.
  • Unit testing my app – probably with the built-in assert API.
  • Hosting my app – probably with Nginx as a router and load balancer.

Wow! – that was a lot of words and almost no code… I promise that my next posts on Node will have more code in them.

Assuring that those IWantToRunAtStartup can actually run at startup

When building NServiceBus services based on the generic host, you may need to do some stuff whenever your service starts up and shuts down. The way to do that is to create classes that implement IWantToRunAtStartup, which will be picked up by the host and registered in the container as an implementation of that interface.

When the time comes to run whoever wants to run at startup, the host does a

to get all the relevant instances (or something similar if you aren’t using Windsor…).

If, however, one or more instances cannot be instantiated due to missing dependencies, you will get no kind of warning or error whatsoever! [1. At least this is the case when using Castle Windsor – I don’t know if this is also the behavior of other IoC containers… Maybe someone can clarify this…?] This means that the service will silently ignore the fact that one or more IWantToRunAtStartups could not be instantiated and run.

In order to avoid this error, I have written a test that looks somewhat like this:

I admit that the code is kind of clunky even though I distilled the interesting parts from some of the plumbing in our real test… moreover, our real test is iterating through all the possible configurations our container can have – one for each environment – so you can probably imagine that it’s not pretty 🙂

But who cares??? The test has proven almost infinitely useful already! Whenever something that wants to run at startup cannot run at startup, TeamCity gives us error messages like this:

Fun with RavenDB 3

This is the third post in a small series about RavenDB – a document database in .NET. I will try to touch the same areas as I did in my series on MongoDB, possibly comparing the two where I see fit.

Now, this time we will take a look at some more querying…


After having chewed a bit on the concept of map/reduce queries from doing my MongoDB series, I am actually beginning to see the beauty of this kind of query – and of course RavenDB supports them as well, because it is currently the only sane way to structure aggregate queries in distributed databases.

All of RavenDB’s queries are actually map/reduce queries, but if you don’t supply a reduction function, the reduction is trivial, as every document is emitted in its entirety.

Now, let’s try specifying our own reduction function….

Simple map/reduce query

But first we’ll start out by stuffing some data in the DB:

Now, in order to aggregate each Item by name, summing up the amounts, let’s construct the following index:

Note how this way of structuring the map/reduce differs from MongoDB and CouchDB where the map operation decides which value to aggregate on by emitting it as the key – in RavenDB, this decision is made in the reduce function.

Note also that I need to create a type, ItemAggregate, that is used to tell which fields the reduce function should expect as input. It is important that this type’s fields correspond to those emitted from the map function, or else the serialization will fail silently, yielding no results.

Now, let’s execute the index creation like so:

and now I am ready to query the index:

which yields the following results:

and that was pretty much what I expected.

That was a quick look at map/reduce queries in RavenDB. I’m sure there’s no end to the fun you can have with this kind of stuff, but I have yet to use map/reduce for anything in a real project, so I can’t really comment further on those.

Fun with RavenDB 2

This is the second post in a small series about RavenDB – a document database in .NET. I will try to touch the same areas as I did in my series on MongoDB, possibly comparing the two where I see fit.

Now, this time we will take a look at querying…


Querying with MongoDB is extremely easy and intuitive when you’re used to relational databases – just type in some queries in the form of JSON documents and send them to the server and let it do its work.

Querying with RavenDB is a different story, because the only thing that can be queried is an index[1. Or is it? I should point out that Ayende said that RavenDB would have dynamically generated temporary indexes in the future, allowing ad-hoc quering… but what’s more, those temporary indexes would “materialize” and become permanent if you hit them enough times… that actually sounds extremely cool, and should allow for some truly frictionless and agile-feeling development.]. Let’s see…

Simple query

Let’s start out by handing a couple of documents to the server. Let’s execute the following:

Now, in order to be able to query these documents, we need to tell RavenDB to create an index… I like to be code-driven when I can, so let’s do it with C#… first, make a class somewhere derived from AbstractIndexCreationTask:

In this example, I build the index purely from mapping the collection – i.e. there’s no reduce step. Note that the map step is a LINQ query that maps each document into the fields that should be used to build the index. That means that the example above will allow me to query this index and constrain by ViewCount of each movie.

Next, upon initialization, we need to tell RavenDB to create our indexes (if they have not already been created – otherwise, they’ll be updated):

That was easy. Now, let’s take the index for a spin… first let’s just get everything [1. Note that because of RavenDB’s excellent safe-by-default philosophy, at most 128 documents will be returned! Therefore, the usual .Skip(n) and .Take(m) methods should be used to properly page the result sets.

Note also, that by default you can perform only 30 operations resulting in remote calls within one IDocumentSession. This is another constraint that will guide you away from blowing off that left foot of yours :)]:

which results in the following output in the console:

which is pretty much what we expected. Note however that RavenDB is nice enough to tell when a query is executed and how many results are returned.

Now let’s use our index and change the query into this:

which gives me the following output:

Note how the query criteria are translated into a Lucene query – that’s because RavenDB uses Lucene. NET for all of its indexing work. Just for the fun of it, let’s try using the index to constrain by title:

which results in the following output:

It appears RavenDB will just go ahead and query Lucene for it, even though the index doesn’t have the specified field. Kind of weird, but maybe it’s because Lucene is itself a document DB, and there’s no way to tell beforehand whether a given index contains a document with the specified field.

Now that was a couple of simple queries. Next time, let’s try building a map/reduce query!

Fun with RavenDB 1

This is the first post in a small series about RavenDB – a document database in .NET. I will try to touch the same areas as I did in my series on MongoDB, possibly comparing the two where I see fit.

Now, first – let’s see if the raven can fly…

Getting started

I am extremely happy to see that Ayende has created the same installation experience as I got with MongoDB… i.e., to get the server running, perform the following steps (assuming the .NET 4 framework is installed on your system):

  1. Grab a ZIP with the lastest build here
  2. Unzip somewhere
  3. Go to /Server and run Raven.Server.exe

– and now the RavenDB server will be running on localhost:8080. That was easy. Now, try visiting http://localhost:8080 in your browser – now you should see the administration interface of RavenDB.

By the way, have you ever tried installing Microsoft SQL Server? Shudder!! 🙂

Connecting with the .NET client

I’m old school, so I am still using Visual Studio 2008. If you’re old school like me, add a reference to /Client-3.5/Raven.Client-3.5.dll – otherwise add a reference to /Client/Raven.Client.Lightweight.dll.

Now, to open a connection, do this:

– and then store the DocumentStore as a singleton in your program.

Inserting a document

Now, let’s try inserting a document… say we have a POCO model representation of a person that looks like this (allowing Address to be either DomesticAddress or ForeignAddress):

Then, do this:

Now, let’s visit http://localhost:8080/raven/documents.html in the browser… it will probably look something like this:

Document in RavenDB

As you can see, RavenDB stores all documents in a single collection. Right now, there’s one person in there, and then there’s a document that RavenDB uses to generate integer IDs based on the hi-lo-algorithm. Rob Ashton has an explanation here on the design decisions made for this particular piece of RavenDB.

I like this particular decision, because it makes for some really nice human-readable, human-typeable IDs.

Note how the ID of the document is people/1 – RavenDB is smart enough to pluralize most names, which is pretty cool. Let’s click the document to see what’s in it:

Document in RavenDB

Note also how RavenDB puts type information in the document, allowing the proper subtype to be deserialized. Now, let’s try this out:

– which results in the following console output:

How cool is that?! (pretty cool, actually…)

Note that the pretty UI is based on the actual RavenDB interface to the world, which is REST-based. That means we can go to a DOS prompt and do this:

Now, that was a short dive into storing documents and retrieving them again by ID. We need to do more than that, though – otherwise we would have been content using a simple key/value-store. Therefore, in the next post, I will take a look at querying

Trifork Geek Night moved

Just want to say that the planned Trifork Geek Night on “Advanced Windsor-tricks” I mentioned earlier on the 23rd of November is moved to the 13th of December.

Somehow someone double-booked our presentation facilities in Taastrup – sorry, if it has caused inconvenience for you.

To sum it up: Trifork Geek Night on “Advanced Windsor-tricks” on the 13th of December at the Trifork office in Copenhagen.

Book review: NHibernate 3.0 Cookbook

NHibernate 3.0 Cookbook coverPackt Publishing has before asked if I was interested in reviewing some of their books, which I was – this time, however, I asked them if they were interested in me reviewing their upcoming NHibernate 3.0 Cookbook by Jason Dentler.

I did that, because I like NHibernate very much, and I would like to help promote good fresh litterature about the subject. And this book really stands out as fresh, because it covers NHibernate 3.0 which has not even been officially released yet!

My first impressions are good – it starts out with creating a model and the usual XML-mapping stuff, and then it dives directly into modeling an inheritance hierarchy. I think this is pretty cool, because it is a sign that the book has a fairly high level of ambition: It is not just about stuffing away rows in the db, it’s about persisting an actual model!

It covers Fluent NHibernate and Fabio’s ConfORM as well, so it provides a really good foundation to anyone interested in learning the intricacies of configuring NHibernate. And it is pretty true to the model-first approach, which is how I like it.

Then it goes on with a chapter on how to manage sessions and transactions including – among other things – an example on how to manage the session from an ASP.NET MVC action filter (which is not “best practice” from an ASP.NET MVC perspective IMO, as it relies on static gateways, but I digress… the book is not about ASP.NET MVC :))

The query chapter is great, because it covers everything I can think of: Criteria, QueryOver, HQL, both in their normal and multi forms, futures, LINQ to NHibernate, detached criteria, and the new HQL bulk operations, insert and update. If I must put my finger on something, I think that the different areas are covered a little too lightly, but hey – there’s plenty of information on this stuff on the internet, and you could probably write an entire book entirely about how to put HQL to use.

The testing chapter is great as well, as it touches on nice-to-know stuff and some of “the new developments” in the area: NHibernate Profiler, Fluent NHibernate automatic persistence testing, using in-memory SQLite for persistence testing, + more.

The chapter on implementing a data access layer shows a typical data access object and a repository implementation which will probably look familiar to a lot of people, implemented with NHibernate. They both have the ability to automatically perform their operations withing transactions, if one is not already active. This makes the implementations pretty flexible, as they can be used either “by themselves”, or they can implicitly enlist in an ongoing unit of work. Moreover, a pretty nifty named query implementation is shown, complete with automated test that checks whether all implemented named query classes have corresponding named queries in an HBM XML file.

The rest of the book shows how various common tasks can be achieved using NHibernate or some of the many NHContrib projects, like e.g. creating an audit trail by listening to events, creating an IUserType to encrypt strings, using Burrows to manage session, putting NHibernate Search to use, etc… As you can probably imagine, this stuff is covered pretty lightly, but it’s sufficient to give an impression on the huge ecosystem that surrounds NHibernate, which is great.


It strikes me that the book is definitely a “no BS-book” – there’s plenty of code, which is mostly high quality and sufficiently best practice-compliant, and recommendations throughout when there are decisions to be made. If I should criticize something, I think the sheer amount of code makes for an exhausting casual read 🙂 it does, however, claim to be a “cookbook”, so I guess that’s just the way it is.

The book is probably great for developers, who are either new to or semi-experienced in using NHibernate, but have a general high level of experience and skills.

All-in-all a good read, and it’s great that it touches on so many things in and around this huge framework!

Title: NHibernate 3.0 Cookbook
Author: Jason Dentler
ISBN 10/13: 184951304X / 978-1-84951-304-3
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Trifork Geek Nights

Just wanted to say that I will be speaking at a couple of Trifork Geek Nights in November and December, about Castle Windsor and NServiceBus respectively.


Advanced Windsor-Tricks

A quick introduction followed by some of the more advanced features of my favorite IoC container. If you’re new to IoC, or you are wondering what the fuzz is about, or you are interested in letting your container do some more work for you, you should come to this one 🙂

Will be held on

from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

And then,

Distributed systems in .NET with NServiceBus

Introduction to messaging in .NET with NServiceBus. Will give an introduction to some fundamental messaging patterns and go on to show how these can be put to use with NServiceBus.

If you’re new to IoC, you can probably benefit from showing up at the “Advanced Windsor-Tricks” geek night before going to this one, because NServiceBus is relying heavily on having a container.

Will be held on

from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm as well.

Hope to see some enthusiastic coders there.

PS: The Geek Nights will be held in Danish 🙂

Shouldly – better assertions

Today I came across Shouldly, as I followed a link in a tweet by Rob Conery. I have a thing for nifty mini-projects, so I immediately git clone’d it, and pulled it into a small thing I am building.

What is Shouldly? Basically, it’s just a niftier way of writing assert statements in tests. It fits right in between NUnit and Rhino Mocks, so you will get the most out of it if you are using those two for your unit tests. Check out this repository test – first, arrange and act:

and then, usually the assert would look something like this:

– yielding error messages like this:

which is probably OK and acceptable, because how would NUnit know any better than that?

Check out what Shouldly can do:

– yielding error messages like this:

which IMO is just too nifty to ignore!

Shouldly takes advantage of the fact the the current StackTrace has all the information we’re after when the assert is an extension method, which is extremely cool and well thought out.

Moreover, it integrates with Rhino Mocks, yielding better messages when doing AssertWasCalled stuff: Instead of just telling that the test did not pass, it tells you exactly which calls were recorded and which one was expected – a thing that Rhino Mocks has always been missing.

Conclusion: YourNextProject.ShouldContain("Shouldly")