Having experienced a lot of pain using RDBMSs ([1. Usually because of abusing RDBMSs, actually. Storing an object model in a RDBMS is not painful as long as the tooling is right – e.g. by leveraging the amazing NHibernate. The pain comes when developers suddenly start implementing overly complex queries and doing reporting on top of a pretty entity model, modeling stuff OO style… ouch!]) as a default choice of persistence, having read a couple of blog posts about MongoDB, and being generally interested in widening my horizon, I decided to check out MongoDB.
This post is a write-as-I-go summary of the information I have gathered from the following places:
More posts may follow…. 🙂
Getting MongoDB
Piece of cake! Download MongoDB from the download center and shove the binaries away somewhere on your machine. Default is for MongoDB to store its data in
/data/db which translates to
c:\data\db if you are using Windows – go ahead and create this directory. The MongoDB daemon can be started by running
mongod.exe, which will accept connections on
It will probably look something like the screenshot shown below.

An alternative data path can be specified on the command line, e.g. like so:
mongod --dbpath c:\somewhere\else.
Accessing it with JavaScript
mongo.exe to start the Mongo Shell. It will probably look something like this:

In the MongoDB prompt, you can use JavaScript to access the db. Here’s a sample session of some commands I have found useful:
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// lists the dbs in this mongo > show dbs admin local > > // change database context to some db ("myblog" - will automagically be created) > use myblog switched to db myblog > > show collections system.indexes > > // save a couple of documents in a collection named "posts" > // (collection will be automagically created as well...) > db.posts.save({ headline: 'Notes to self about MongoDB', slug: 'notes-to-self-about-mongodb', tags: ['mongodb', 'nosql', 'nifty', 'c#'] }) > db.posts.save({ headline: 'Someday I want to check out CouchDB as well', slug: 'someday-i-want-to-check-out-couchdb-as-well', tags: ['couchdb', 'nosql', 'nifty', 'c#'] }) > > // show documents in a collection (returns a cursor, which will be iterated for the first 10 or 20 results - next pages can be retrieved with the 'it' command) > db.posts.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4281781b000000005cfc"), "headline" : "Notes to self about MongoDB", "slug" : "notes-to-self-about-mongodb", "tags" : [ "mongodb", "nosql", "nifty", "c#" ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e42cc781b000000005cfd"), "headline" : "Someday I want to check out CouchDB as well", "slug" : "someday-i-want-to-check-out-couchdb-as-well", "tags" : [ "couchdb", "nosql", "nifty", "c#" ] } |
Now, I have successfully added two documents representing blog posts in a collection named
posts. As you can see, MongoDB assigns some funky IDs to the documents.
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> // lets get the first post ('find' and 'findOne' accept a query document as their first parameter) > db.posts.findOne({'_id': ObjectId('4b8e4281781b000000005cfc')}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4281781b000000005cfc"), "headline" : "Notes to self about MongoDB", "slug" : "notes-to-self-about-mongodb", "tags" : [ "mongodb", "nosql", "nifty", "c#" ] } > > // now let's find all IDs ('find' and 'findOne' accept as their second parameter a document > // specifying which fields to return) > db.posts.find({}, {'_id': true}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4281781b000000005cfc") } { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e42cc781b000000005cfd") } { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4595781b000000005cfe") } > |
That was a brief demonstration of the JavaScript API in the Mongo Shell. Now, let’s do this from C#.
Getting started with mongodb-csharp
Now, go to mongodb-csharp dowload section at GitHub and get a debug build of the driver. Create a C# project and reference the
MongoDB.Driver assembly.
On my machine, punching in the following actually works:
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[Test] public void CanAddPost() { using(var mongo = new Mongo()) { mongo.Connect(); var db = mongo["myblog"]; var posts = db["posts"]; posts.Insert(new Document { {"headline", "Post added from C#"}, {"slug", "post-added-from-csharp"}, { "tags", new[] { "c#", "nifty" } } }); } } |
Now, I can verify that the document is actually in there by going back to the console and doing this:
> db.posts.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4281781b000000005cfc"), "headline" : "Notes to self about MongoDB", "slug" : "notes-to-self-about-mongodb", "tags" : [ "mongodb", "nosql", "nifty", "c#" ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e42cc781b000000005cfd"), "headline" : "Someday I want to check out CouchDB as well", "slug" : "someday-i-want-to-check-out-couchdb-as-well", "tags" : [ "couchdb", "nosql", "nifty", "c#" ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("4b8e4b72091abb14e4000001"), "headline" : "Post added from C#", "slug" : "post-added-from-csharp", "tags" : [ "c#", "nifty" ] } > |
Nifty! Now lets show the posts from C#. On my machine the following snippet displays the headlines of all posts:
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[Test] public void CanShowPosts() { using(var mongo = new Mongo()) { mongo.Connect(); var db = mongo["myblog"]; var posts = db["posts"]; Console.WriteLine("Posts"); foreach(var post in posts.FindAll().Documents) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", post["headline"]); } } } |
– which is documented in the following screenshot:

Random nuggets of information
Document IDs
All MongoDB documents must have an ID in the
_id field, either assigned by you (any object can be used), or automatically by MongoDB. IDs generated by MongoDB are virtually globally unique, as they consist of the following: 4 bytes of timestamp, 3 bytes of machine identification, 2 bytes of process identification, 3 bytes of something that gets incremented.
As a nifty consequence, the time of creation can be extracted from auto-generated IDs.
The ID type used by MongoDB can be created with
ObjectId('00112233445566778899aabb') (where the input must be a string representing 12 bytes in HEX).
How are documents stored?
I you have not yet figured it out, documents are serialized to JSON – with the minor modification that it’s a BINARY version of JSON, hence it’s called BSON.
String encoding
UTF-8. No worries.
What about references?
I will research this and do a separate post on the subject. As MongoDB is non-relational, a “join” is – in principle – an unknown concept. There’s a mechanism, however, that allows for consistent representation of foreign keys that may/may not give you some extra functionality (depending on the driver you are using).
What about querying?
I will research this as well, posting as I go.
OR/M? (or OD/M?)
It is not yet clear to me how to handle Object-Document Mapping. Will require some research as well. As an OO dude, I am especially interested in finding out what a schema-less persistance mechanism will do to my design.
What else?
More topics include applying indices, deleting/updating, atomicity, and more. Implies additional blog posts.
My first impression of MongoDB is really good. It’s extremely easy to get going, and the few error messages I have received were easy to understand.
I am especially in awe with how little friction I encountered – mostly because of the schema-less nature, but also because everything just worked right away.