How to loop good

…or “Short rant on why C-style for-loops are almost always unnecessary “…

If you’ve been with C# for the last couple of years, your coding style has probably evolved in a more functional direction since the introduction of C# 3/.NET 3.5 with all its LINQ and lambda goodness.

In my own code, I have almost completely dismissed the old C-style for-loop in favor of .Select, .Where etc., making the code way more readable and maintainable.

The readability and maintainability is improved because long sequences for for/ foreach and collection-juggling can now be replaced by oneliners of selection, mapping, and projection.

One place, however, where I often see the for-loop used, is when people need to build sequences of repeated objects, or where some variable is incremented for each iteration.

Now, here is a message to those developers: Please realize that what you actually want to do is to repeat an object or map a sequence of numbers to a sequence of objects.

Having realized that, please just implement it like that:

Same thing goes for sequences of elements where something is incremented:

There’s just too many for-loops in the world!

Not the same thing, but still somehow related to that, is when people need to collect stuff from multiple properties and ultimately subject each value to the same treatment – please just implement it like that:


How to avoid (unnecessarily) touching the container

…or “How to resolve stuff all over the place” – two appropriate titles for a blog post that shows the solution to a problem you will eventually run into when using an IoC container… if not in your first application, then maybe in the next…

What’s the problem?

Not all applications lend themselves equally well to leveraging an IoC container for resolving stuff. Generally, applications that follow some kind of request-response pattern are easy to adapt to use the container to build objects that handle requests: Just resolve some kind of handler that handles each request.

E.g.: It is trivial to make Castle Windsor resolve/release controllers in an ASP.NET MVC application by implementing a CastleWindsorControllerFactory.

There are applications however, that do not follow this kind of pattern – or at least not as clearly. Take for instance a typical Windows Forms desktop application that looks like this:

An attempt to use the container could look like this:

But then one problem remains: How can we make the Windows Forms application use our beloved Windsor Container without resolving the entire world at this point?

E.g. if MainForm at some point needs to show a SubForm, then how do we do that without doing a new SubForm() inside of MainForm, thus tying MainForm directly to the concrete SubForm? (and worse: ruining our ability to unit test MainForm…?)

Let’s try using a service locator

In order to avoid new’ing up SubForm, we could use a service locator to provide the form to us. Consider this button handler:

That solves the problem, right? Wrong! I mean, now SubForm can have dependencies injected and stuff, but MainForm is tied to a class called ServiceLocator with a static generic method that creates stuff.

That’s pretty hard to unit test, and in the long run this will just prove to be a serious PITA.

How to fix the problem

If we wanted to fix the problem with MainForm and SubForm, we could do it by passing a ISubFormFactory to MainForm like so:

thus allowing MainForm to instantiate SubForms at will without depending directly on the container. Now on to implement ISubFormFactory:

Now, why is that implementation uncool? There are several reasons, and two of them are: 1) I’m tying myself to a Windsor container somewhere in a static variable in my app, and 2) The implementation is stupid and boilerplate – I need to write one of these every time I need to show a new form… Uncool!

Enter TypedFactoryFacility

Windsor comes with a bunch of facilities in the box, and one of them fits this gap nicely: <a href="">TypedFactoryFacility</a>.

If TypedFactoryFacility had a tagline it would be either “The missing link!” or “Gimme another chance!” or something like that.

Put shortly, TypedFactoryFacility gives the container the ability to dynamically implement the ISubFormFactory interface from above, thus allowing my code to pull stuff from the container without even knowing it! \o/

In order to do that, I need to start out by registering the facility;

and then I need to register my factory service like so:

Now the container will delegate the call to CreateSubForm() to container.Resolve<SubForm>(), based on the return type of the factory method – nifty!

When working with Windsor, it is very important that everything that has a transient lifestyle gets properly released! – the facility has this capability as well, just implement a method with the following signature on the factory: void Release(SubForm subForm).

Now our MainForm’s event handler can look like this:

allowing Windsor to properly take care of decommission concerns, thus properly disposing IDisposables and more.

I hope this post gave an understandable introduction to TypedFactoryFacility. To help some more, I have created a simple Windows Forms application on GitHub that shows how a simple Windows Forms application can implement a simple MVC pattern using Castle Windsor and TypedFactoryFacility.

Comments, questions and suggestions are appreciated 🙂

Castle Windsor debugger visualization

A while ago, I noticed that Krzysztof Ko?mic was tweeting regularly about adding debugger visualization to Windsor. At the time, I wasn’t really paying attention, so I didn’ t actually understand what he was doing.

Today, I was coding some stuff, and I downloaded the latest and greatest Windsor 2.5 (from August 2010), and after a while I found myself stepping through some code in a small web application I was building from scratch – and that’s when I found out what he was rambling about…. check this out:

Windsor debugger visualization

See how the container renders itself as a list of all the components it contains, followed by a list of “Potentially Misconfigured Components”…?

How cool is that? (pretty cool, that’s how cool it is!)

Not a ground-breaking earth-shaking feature on the grand scale of cool stuff, but sometimes it’s the little things…

(I’m puzzled, however, as to why the headline says “Count = 4” in the “Potentially Misconfigured Components” section when the count is clearly 2…?)

Code golf

The result of Kodehoved’s code golf competition has been found, and I got a shared 5th place.

The task was to add two large integers together by representing the integers with arrays of their digits, thus allowing them to become extremely large.

My contribution looks like this (weighing in at 138 characters):

Asger‘s and Lars‘ contribution looks like this (135 characters):

And the winners’ (Mads and Peter Sandberg Brun) contribution looks like this (weighing in at an incredibly compact, but almost unreadable, 132 characters :)):

I usually don’t compete in competitions like this, because I’ve always thought of myself as pretty lame when it comes to solving coding puzzles, but this time it was great fun – especially since I was pretty motivated by my desire to beat Asger (my little sister’s boyfriend), who pushed me several iterations further than I would have gone on my own. He ended up beating me though, but I am still pretty satisfied with my fairly compact and almost readable solution.

Fun with NoRM 4

This time, a short post on how to model inheritance, which (at least in a class-oriented programming language) is one of the foundations of object-oriented programming.

Let’s take an example with a person, who has a home address that can be either domestic or foreign. Consider this:

Now, when I create a Person with a DomesticAddress and save it to my local Mongo, it looks like this:

which is all fine and dandy – and in the db:

which looks pretty good as well. BUT when I try to load the person again by doing this:

I get BOOM!!: Norm.MongoException: Could not find the type to instantiate in the document, and Address is an interface or abstract type. Add a MongoDiscriminatedAttribute to the type or base type, or try to work with a concrete type next time.

Why of course! JSON (hence BSON) only specifies objects – even though we consider them to be logical instances of some class, they’ re actually not! – they’re just objects!

So, we need to help NoRM a little bit. Actually the exception message says it all: Add a MongoDiscriminatedAttribute to the abstract base class, like so:

That was easy. Now, if I do a db.People.drop(), followed by my people.Insert(...)-code from before, I get this in the db:

See the __type field that NoRM added to the object? As you can see, it contains the assembly-qualified name of the concrete type that resulted in that particular object, allowing NoRM to deserialize properly when loading from the db.

Now, this actually makes working with inheritance hierarchies and specialization pretty easy – just add [MongoDiscriminated] to a base class, resulting in concrete type information being saved along with objects of any derived type.

Only thing that would be better is if NoRM would issue a warning or an exception when saving something that could not be properly deserialized – this way, one would not easily get away with saving stuff that could not (easily) be retrieved again.

Fun with NoRM 3

Third post in “Fun With NoRM” will be about how “the dynamism” of JavaScript and JSON is bridged into the rigid and statically typed world of C#. The thing is, in principle there’s no way to be certain that a JSON object returned from MongoDB will actually fit into our static object model.

Consider a situation where, for some reason, some of our orders have a field, PlacedBy, containing the name of the person who placed the order. Let’s see how things will go when adding the field and then querying all orders:

– and BOOM ! – Cannot deserialize!: Norm.MongoException: Deserialization failed: type MongoTest.Order does not have a property named PlacedBy

This is actually pretty good, because this way we will never accidentally load a document with un-deserializable properties and save it back, thus truncating the document. But how can we handle this?

Well, NoRM makes it pretty easy: Make your model class inherit Expando, thus effectively becoming a dictionary. E.g. like so:

Now we can do this:

– which yields:

when run with a small DB containing three orders. Nifty, huh?

If you’re sad that you’ve given up your single opportunity to inherit something by deriving from Expando, just go ahead and implement IExpando instead. Then you need to suply a few members, but you can just redirect to an internal Expando in your class.

Next up, a post on how to model inheritance hierarchies… one of my favorites! 🙂

Fun with NoRM 2

This second post in “Fun With NoRM” will be about querying…

How to get everything

Querying collections can be done easily with the anonymous types of C# 3 – e.g. the Order collection from my previous post can be queried for all orders like so:

How to use criteria

If we’re looking for some particular order, we can query by field values like so:

or by using the query operators residing in the static class Q:

More advanced criteria

The query operators can even be combined by combining criteria like so:

Now, what about the nifty dot notation? This an example where C#’s capabilities don’t cut it anymore, as everything on the left side in an anonymous type need to be valid identifiers – so no dots in property names!

This is solved in NoRM by introducing Expando! (not to be confused with ExpandoObject of .NET 4, even though they have similarities…)

Expando is just a dictionary, so to query by the field of an embedded object, do it like so:

As you can see, querying with NoRM is pretty easy – and I think the NoRM guys have found a pretty decent workaround in the case of dot notation, where C#’s syntax could not be bent further.

Stay tuned for more posts…

Fun with NoRM 1

My previous posts on MongoDB have been pretty un-.NETty, in that I have focused almost entirely on how to work the DB through its JavaScript API. To remedy that, I shall write a few short posts on how to get rolling with MongoDB using NoRM, the coolest C# driver for MongoDB at the moment.

First post will be on how to connect and shove data into MongoDB.

Short introduction to NoRM

NoRM is “No Object-Relational Mapping”. It’s a .NET-driver, that allows you to map objects and their fields and aggregated objects into documents. I like NoRM because it’s successfully preserved that low-friction MongoDB-feeling, bridging C#’s capabilities nicely to those of JavaScript in the best possible way, providing some extra C#-goodies along the way. Please read on, you’ll see…

Connect to MongoDB

Easy – can be done like so:

Inserting a few documents

Inserting documents with NoRM is easy – just create a class with fields and aggregated objects, and make sure the class either has a property named something like “Id” or has a property decorated with [MongoIdentifier], e.g. like so:

– and then go ahead and pull a strongly typed collection and insert documents into it:

Now, to make this work I need to create five 200-line XML-files with mapping info etc. &lt;/kidding&gt; no, seriously – that’s all it takes to persist an entire aggregate root!!

Pretty cool, eh? That’ s what I meant when I said low friction. Stay tuned for more posts, e.g. on how to query a collection…

I will be speaking about NoSQL and MongoDB

as seen from the eyes of a .NET developer at two events in June (in Danish).

The first event is a JAOO Geek Night at Dong Energy in Skærbæk on Tuesday June 29th at 4:30 pm. You can read more about the free JAOO Geek Nights here.

The other event is a meeting in Århus .NET User Group, which is the day after, on Wednesday June 30th at 6 pm – you can sign up via Facebook here.

I’m really looking forward to it, because I think we will have some interesting discussions. And perhaps we can widen a few people’s horizons 🙂

Hope to see a lot of engaged people at both events.

Checking out MongoDB

Having experienced a lot of pain using RDBMSs ([1. Usually because of abusing RDBMSs, actually. Storing an object model in a RDBMS is not painful as long as the tooling is right – e.g. by leveraging the amazing NHibernate. The pain comes when developers suddenly start implementing overly complex queries and doing reporting on top of a pretty entity model, modeling stuff OO style… ouch!]) as a default choice of persistence, having read a couple of blog posts about MongoDB, and being generally interested in widening my horizon, I decided to check out MongoDB.

This post is a write-as-I-go summary of the information I have gathered from the following places:

More posts may follow…. 🙂

Getting MongoDB

Piece of cake! Download MongoDB from the download center and shove the binaries away somewhere on your machine. Default is for MongoDB to store its data in /data/db which translates to c:\data\db if you are using Windows – go ahead and create this directory. The MongoDB daemon can be started by running mongod.exe, which will accept connections on localhost:27017.

It will probably look something like the screenshot shown below.

An alternative data path can be specified on the command line, e.g. like so: mongod --dbpath c:\somewhere\else.

Accessing it with JavaScript

Run mongo.exe to start the Mongo Shell. It will probably look something like this:

In the MongoDB prompt, you can use JavaScript to access the db. Here’s a sample session of some commands I have found useful:

Now, I have successfully added two documents representing blog posts in a collection named posts. As you can see, MongoDB assigns some funky IDs to the documents.

That was a brief demonstration of the JavaScript API in the Mongo Shell. Now, let’s do this from C#.

Getting started with mongodb-csharp

Now, go to mongodb-csharp dowload section at GitHub and get a debug build of the driver. Create a C# project and reference the MongoDB.Driver assembly.

On my machine, punching in the following actually works:

Now, I can verify that the document is actually in there by going back to the console and doing this:

Nifty! Now lets show the posts from C#. On my machine the following snippet displays the headlines of all posts:

– which is documented in the following screenshot:

Random nuggets of information

Document IDs

All MongoDB documents must have an ID in the _id field, either assigned by you (any object can be used), or automatically by MongoDB. IDs generated by MongoDB are virtually globally unique, as they consist of the following: 4 bytes of timestamp, 3 bytes of machine identification, 2 bytes of process identification, 3 bytes of something that gets incremented.

As a nifty consequence, the time of creation can be extracted from auto-generated IDs.

The ID type used by MongoDB can be created with ObjectId('00112233445566778899aabb') (where the input must be a string representing 12 bytes in HEX).

How are documents stored?

I you have not yet figured it out, documents are serialized to JSON – with the minor modification that it’s a BINARY version of JSON, hence it’s called BSON.

String encoding

UTF-8. No worries.

What about references?

I will research this and do a separate post on the subject. As MongoDB is non-relational, a “join” is – in principle – an unknown concept. There’s a mechanism, however, that allows for consistent representation of foreign keys that may/may not give you some extra functionality (depending on the driver you are using).

What about querying?

I will research this as well, posting as I go.

OR/M? (or OD/M?)

It is not yet clear to me how to handle Object-Document Mapping. Will require some research as well. As an OO dude, I am especially interested in finding out what a schema-less persistance mechanism will do to my design.

What else?

More topics include applying indices, deleting/updating, atomicity, and more. Implies additional blog posts.


My first impression of MongoDB is really good. It’s extremely easy to get going, and the few error messages I have received were easy to understand.

I am especially in awe with how little friction I encountered – mostly because of the schema-less nature, but also because everything just worked right away.