What does Rebus’ timeout service do?

Rebus timeout service illustrated

Allrighty, then! So, Rebus’ timeout service will receive a TimeoutRequest, which, apparently, is a message consisting of 1) a timespan, and 2) an reply address.

And then, when that timespan has elapsed, apparently, the timeout service will send a TimeoutReply right back to the reply address. That’s not so hard. So, how can that be usable?

Check this out:

custom message illustrateg

Ahaaa, so you can put some JSON into that TimeoutRequest and have it returned to you in the TimeoutReply when the timespan has elapsed. Right! – but how do we make this feature available to you when you’re swinging the code hammer?

Check this out:

You just need a timeout service for this to work. I’ll tell you how to get up and running with a timeout service in the next post.

I am not usually that judgmental

but I did write a blog post called “I judge developers by how many toolbars are showing in their IDE”, which could also have been called “if you reach for the mouse, you are n00b scum to me”.

I wrote the original blog post on how to strip some of the disturbing elements off of Visual Studio and get started using the keyboard for navigation because I was frustrated when I saw colleagues helplessly wiggle the mouse around and try to click small pathetic buttons among hundreds of other buttons in huge menu bars in integrated development environments…

So, today I got a tip from Brendan J. Baker who suggested I install the “Hide Main Menu” VSIX and get an auto-collapsing menu bar! Pretty cool, actually – it shows up again when you hit Alt, just like you expect it to after having used the keyboard for navigating Sublime all day.

The menu bar might not take up a lot of space, but it’s still 30 px in the expensive direction, at the entire width of the screen, holding a BUNCH OF YELLED WORDS – but most of all, it’s clutter!

Thanks, Brendan – you made my Visual Studio even more clean and good looking 🙂
